Facts and figures

You can find here some data providing a brief overview of the evolution of the telecommunications market in Switzerland.

In order to produce its aggregations of statistical data, ComCom relies primarily on the official figures published by the main telecommunications service providers.

With regard to the fixed broadband communications market in Switzerland – including the internet and digital TV – this involves Swisscom, Sunrise and Quickline, as well as the association of cable operators (CATV) Suissedigital.

In the case of the mobile market in Switzerland, the three mobile network operators Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt are involved. The figures published by these operators include the connections of virtual operators or resellers of services using the networks of Swisscom (M-Budget, Coop Mobile), Sunrise (Yallo, Lebara, Ortel) and Salt (Lidl Connect). The other virtual operators have marginal shares of the market.

For the international comparisons, ComCom uses publications by the OECD, the EU or specialised research institutes (IDC, Gartner, Strategy Analytics…). Depending on the case in question, some figures used are based on estimates.

These figures are updated regularly, as far as possible. The list of sources (below) includes all the sources used.


Further information

The official telecommunications statistics and further informations are available on the OFCOM-website. Data about prices of mobile, fixed and broadband communications are also available on the OFCOM-Website :


(sorted by alphabetical order, incl. links, if available)

- Ericsson Mobility Report, November 2023, https://www.ericsson.com/4ae12c/assets/local/reports-papers/mobility-report/documents/2023/ericsson-mobility-report-november-2023.pdf

- Ericsson Mobility Report, Q4 2023 Update, February 2024, https://www.ericsson.com/4923b9/assets/local/reports-papers/mobility-report/documents/2023/emr-q4-2023-update.pdf

- European Commission, Digital agenda scoreboard key indicators, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/digital-agenda-scoreboard-key-indicators/

- Federal Office of Communications, Statistical Observatory, https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/homepage/telecommunication/facts-and-figures/statistical-observatory.html

- FTTH Council Europe, FTTH/B Market Panorama in Europe, Update September 2022, https://www.ftthcouncil.eu/knowledge-centre/all-publications-and-assets

- Gartner press release, 7 February 2024: Gartner Predicts Worldwide Shipments of AI PCs and GenAI Smartphones to Total 295 Million Units in 2024, https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-02-07-gartner-predicts-worldwide-shipments-of-ai-pcs-and-genai-smartphones-to-total-295-million-units-in-2024

- GSA Report, July 2022: 2G and 3G Switch-Off, https://gsacom.com/paper/2g-3g-switch-off-july-2022-summary-report/

- IDC press release, 22 January 2024: Worldwide Market for Used Smartphones Is Forecast to Surpass 430 Million Units with a Market Value of $109.7 Billion in 2027, According to IDC, https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS51804924

- IDC press release, 15 January 2024: Apple Grabs the Top Spot in the Smartphone Market in 2023 along with Record High Market Share Despite the Overall Market Dropping 3.2%, According to IDC Tracker, https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS51776424

- IDC press release, 29 November 2023: Worldwide Smartphone Shipments Finally Turn the Corner with 7.3% Growth Forecast in Q4 2023 and 3.8% in 2024, According to IDC Mobile Phone Tracker, https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS51430223

- Liberty Global Reports Q4 and Full Year 2023 Results, https://www.libertyglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/LG-Q4-2023-Press-Release.pdf

- OECD Broadband Portal, http://www.oecd.org/internet/broadband/broadband-statistics/

- Quickline Holding AG press release of 3 April 2024: Quickline wächst bei Mobile- und Internet-Abos und bei TV-Streaming, https://quickline.ch/media/3hbkkm2o/240403-quickline-gesch%C3%A4ftsabschluss-2023_web.pdf

- Salt press release of 2 February 2023: Salt achieves 99.9% network coverage throughout Switzerland, https://www.salt.ch/sites/default/files/2023-02/Press%20release_99.9%20network%20coverage_20230202.pdf

- Salt press release of 26 March 2024, Full Year Results 2023: Another Remarkable Year for Salt with Record Number of Mobile Postpaid Net Adds and Strong Financial Performance Outpacing the Market, https://www.salt.ch/sites/default/files/2024-03/Salt_Q423_240325_EN.pdf

- Suissedigital press release of 9 April 2024, Rétrospective de 2023 : Les membres de SUISSEDIGITAL gagnent plus de 100 000 abonnements en téléphonie mobile, https://www.suissedigital.ch/index.php?eID=dumpFile&t=f&f=4636&token=89541b9125696632bd197b2d44ef2b8b75ed8ad7

- Sunrise press release of 3 August 2022: Sunrise supprimera la 2G à partir du 3 janvier 2023, https://mailing-ircockpit.eqs.com/crm-mailing/f4b46288-e4c1-1015-a68b-b34b05d60f5f/f667ef86-93ce-4958-b22b-865eed8c169a/69bfcdd8-8701-4024-9de6-7f47c51de856/20220803_PR+2G_Switch+Off__FR.pdf

- Sunrise press release of 16 February 2023: Q4 2023 with strong financial results and continued mobile postpaid growth. Financial guidance 2023 achieved, https://mailing-ircockpit.eqs.com/crm-mailing/f4b46288-e4c1-1015-a68b-b34b05d60f5f/76fd2965-cb66-4180-b9f8-63706556ff00/cb9b97e4-a6ea-47b5-9e50-65c272896b7c/20240216_PR+FY-Q4+2023+Results_EN.pdf

- Swisscom press release of 22 March 2022: Swisscom to continue operating 3G mobile technology until the end of 2025, https://www.swisscom.ch/en/about/news/2022/03/22-3g-bis-ende-2025.html

- Swisscom press release of 8 February 2024, Swisscom presents strong results for 2023, https://www.swisscom.ch/en/about/news/2024/02/08-results-2023.html

- Swisscom Annual Report 2023, https://www.swisscom.ch/report2023-pdf

- TechInsights, (Teligen Price Benchmarking System, Copyright Strategy Analytics, UK), https://www.techinsights.com/
