Mobile network sharing and fixed-mobile convergence in Switzerland
The Federal Communications Commission (ComCom) and the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) commissioned a study of mobile network sharing and fixed-mobile convergence in Switzerland. The study published here provides an information base to guide policy and the authorities, as well as decision-making aids with regard to possible network cooperation.
The study produced by WIK Consult (Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste) analyses the forms of joint use of mobile networks in terms of cost savings and impact on investment and the market behaviour of mobile network operators. It also outlines the possible effects on competition. In addition, the study sheds light on the increasing convergence of mobile and fixed networks and the potential effects on the market.
The evaluation on the basis of regulatory economics and the recommendations derived by the authors for Switzerland are based primarily on the findings of an analysis of international trends in regulatory practice and the market reality of network sharing.
The study is published in German; the management summary is also available in French, Italian and English.