Consultation on the LTC decrees

Modification of the ComCom decree

Consultation regarding the modification of the ComCom decree. Synthesis of the results

Consultation regarding the modification of the ComCom decree. Synthesis of the results

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Comments of interested parties regarding the modification of the ComCom decree

After the federal chambers of parliament adopted the amendment to the Law on Telecommunications (LTC) on 24 March 2006, interested parties were able, from 28 June to 15 September 2006, to express their opinions on the draft implementing provisions drawn up by the Federal Council and the Federal Communications Commission (ComCom).

The following eleven comments were addressed to the ComCom regarding the draft amendment to its decree:


The comments are now being analysed and the results will be taken into account when the definitive versions of the decrees are drawn up.

The comments relating to the Federal Council’s decrees are published on OFCOM’s website:

Swiss Federal Communications Commission (ComCom)
Berne, 9th October 2006

Disclosure of the consultation

The public consultation concerning the new implementing provisions of the LTC amended by parliament on 24 March 2006 was launched on 28 June 2006. The new decrees must enter into force during the first quarter of 2007, at the same time as the amendment to the LTC. The consultation lasts until 18 August 2006.

After the two houses of parliament adopted the amendment to the Law on Telecommunications (LTC) on 24 March 2006, interested parties can express their opinions on the draft implementing provisions drawn up by the Federal Council and the Federal Communications Commission (ComCom).
The draft decrees, the explanatory reports, the invitations and the list of parties to the consultation can be consulted using the link opposite. If you do not have internet access, we can provide you with the documents in written form on request.

Deadline: 18 August 2006

Documentation of the consultation

The documentation of the consultation is only available in French, German or Italian of the Website of the OFCOM: