Comcom’s Opinion in the public consultation procedure relating to the new implementing provisions of the LTC (PDF, 35 kB, 23.08.2017)[13.09.2006] - (only available in german)
Comcom’s Opinion in the public consultation procedure regarding the universal service conditions in the Decree on Telecommunication Services (PDF, 38 kB, 23.08.2017)[17.05.2006] - (only available in german)
Opinion of the ComCom about the consultation for the revision of the Law on Telecommunications (LTC), the Decree on Telecommunications Services (DTS) and the Decree on Addressing Resources in the Telecommunications sector (ORAT) (PDF, 127 kB, 23.08.2017)[14.10.2002] - (only available in german)
Opinion of the ComCom concerning the implementation of the ordinance about non-ionising radiation (PDF, 50 kB, 23.08.2017)[13.06.2001] - (only available in german)